Everybody’s Somebody

Her hair, pulled up on top of her head with a clear straight line between her graying roots and the brown she’d dyed the rest of her ponytail, not only made her look more youthful than she was, but it was also the perkiest part of our interaction. She had a kind face, but itContinue reading “Everybody’s Somebody”

Challenge Your Perspective

Once upon a time when I was teaching yoga, there was a week when I subbed three classes in a row. I needed a theme that would reach out to a diverse group of practitioners at different, respective levels. So I did what I always do when in doubt: I winged it. No but really,Continue reading “Challenge Your Perspective”

Snap Back to Now

Where do you live? I don’t mean physically; I mean mentally. Where do the majority of your thoughts reside – in reflecting on the past, in projecting to the future, or in immersing into the present? We all have thoughts that fit into each of those categories, but if you sincerely reflect on the percentageContinue reading “Snap Back to Now”

Soul Stories: When Plans Don’t Work

I am so afraid of the project I’m working on, and that’s why I know I must complete it. Since I can remember, people have told me that I’m a great writer. I have the test scores and credentials to validate that. I have written articles that went viral, and I’ve been published in magazines.Continue reading “Soul Stories: When Plans Don’t Work”

The Greatest You: Accept What Is

“I want to know your heart,” Mr. Tung averted his gaze to my shoulder quickly, where he was wiping an alcohol wipe across my skin’s fresh canvas. It was 2012, and I was in Bangkok, Thailand, visiting on a three-week vacation from my job in Afghanistan. Mr. Tung is the owner and operator of AngelContinue reading “The Greatest You: Accept What Is”

Soul Stories: Thailand, Tamarind, and Tapping

Ok, not gonna lie. Tamarind has nothing to do with this post other than it is delicious and found abundantly in Thai food. It gave the title a nice little alliteration that I couldn’t resist. Please, keep reading. Many of you know I’ve spent a lot of time in Thailand. It started as an innocentContinue reading “Soul Stories: Thailand, Tamarind, and Tapping”

Diagnosis: Brown Skin

This morning I woke up to my 11-month-old baby letting out little whimpers for milk, and I thanked God that his only need was milk. As I cradled him gently back to sleep, my mind projected in to the future to consider how I may need to comfort him 5 years from now, 10 yearsContinue reading “Diagnosis: Brown Skin”