The Greatest You: Beating Your Internal Barriers

Everyone knows what it is within them that needs to come to life. I believe that. Every person has at least one expression within them that desires to move from thought into actuality, and we often push it aside with the doubts and fears that we have learned. Often, we create these situations in which our circumstances are controlled by external factors, especially money, mortgages, status quo. And we keep feeding the dream that those external factors are somehow going to make us better, worthier, happier. They don’t.

People literally spend their entire lives chasing an illusion. They ignore that one thing within them that makes them feel truly alive and vibrant- the thing that makes time flow and brings about a true peace of being. When we are young, we start to learn the fear of what it looks like to be a “responsible adult” and we stop doing the things that we do simply because we love them. If you’re lucky, you hit a mid-life crisis in which you realize that you have lived your entire adult life on someone else’s terms and you start doing the things that actually matter to you. If you’re not as fortunate, you leave this lifetime ridden with regrets. And if you’re wise, you stay in touch with that inner voice and allow it to guide you through all each step of the process that bring your visions alive.

For me, it’s writing a book. I have a story that needs to be shared. My story will empower people, and I’ve got to get it out there. That is the inner wisdom I hear and I often ignore. The doubt raises. The fear circulates. The logic taps me on the shoulder.

“You have a baby now. You really need the insurance and steady paycheck.”

“You don’t have time to write a book. When do you think you can actually do that?”

“Who’s going to read it anyway?”

And recently, I have decided to move forward powerfully anyway. See, that voice that knows a book needs to come to life, is always going to be within me. It doesn’t matter how many corporate jobs I take, or how times I choose the safe path. The story in me does not care if I take two years away from it while I build my savings account, nor does it mind to wait until my child is older and I have more time. It will sit within me, patiently waiting to come forward. As will your truth wait for you to cross your own barrier, to move over the threshold, and to bring forth whatever it is within you that wants to live. If it’s not going away, then why don’t we just…jump?

Because we’re afraid.

But we are also afraid, when we are safe.

Maybe it just boils down to which fear is easier to live with, and that is what we choose. But for me, the greatest fear is not becoming who I have the potential to become, and betraying my own inner voice. I trust myself and I trust my inner wisdom, so I am crossing that threshold now. I hope you will do the same. <3


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